28 oktober 2015

34.ONSDAGS FÖREDRAG: Kshanti - Tålamodets Paramita - 28 okt 2015

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Teosofiska Rörelsen nr 64,  pris: 20:-/st

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34.Kshanti - Tålamodets Paramita - 28 okt 2015

22 oktober 2015

7.2015 FILMKLUBB ARCANA: "Hindu Nectar - Spiritual Wanderings in India" Lörd 24 okt 2015

Filmklubben ARCANA

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" Hindu Nectar - Spiritual Wanderings in India "

Lördagen den 24 okt 2015
kl 16.00 – 18 00

Längd: 50 min 
(Dokumentär från 2014)

Språk: Engelska + delvis engelsk text

filmen blir det också en kort diskussion 
om filmens innehåll, där alla kan dela med sig av sina insikter
och ställa frågor.

Inträde: 50:- kaffe/te och kaka ingår

" Hindu Nectar - Spiritual Wanderings in India "

A daughter's journey distilling the nectar of the stories she heard as a child.Weaving ancient texts in the fabric of modern life.Rediscovering the land of her childhood. Where religion is synonymous with the celebration of life.

Journeying from the Himalayas to the Peninsular India. Through rivers, mountains, forests, caves. She meets many practitioners. Each conversation reveals unfathomable depths to the seemingly simple rituals. The nature of life. Why we are born. Why we die. What is change. And what amidst this constant flux - joy, sorrow; success, failure; love, hate - is the One ... constant, unchanging, unmoving.

This cinematic journey creates an experiential rendering of one of the Earth's oldest spiritual traditions.

On the surface it might appear to be a religious film on Hinduism, but for those who are looking beyond the 
scenes of our worldly play it is so much more: It’s a hint to the true nature of existence. Not just a documentation of the heritage of people living in India, but an insight into the true nature of all human beings, of all life, of all we call our reality.

The wisdom contained in Hindu Nectar will serve as the complementary aspect to the emerging scientific revolution that will change the way we look at the world.Hindu Nectar introduces one to the deep beauty and complexity of Hinduism in a simple yet informative way. It combines a panoramic view of both place and practice in a cinematic masterpiece which is well worth watching.

FEATURING: A former Australian miner. A Spanish sanyasi. An American journalist turned Yoga guru. A young Columbian Indophile. A Ho Chi Minh style Indian mystic who speaks 18 world languages. And many other soul wanderers.

Hjärtligt Välkomna Allihopa

Filmklubben ARCANA
Köpenhamnsvägen 13, Malmö
040 91 39 56 eller 070 376 47 47
ARCANA filmklubb är en del av LOTUSGRUPPENS
verksamhet som i sin tur är en del av Malmö -- United Lodge of Theosophists
allmänt förkortat ULT/Teosofiska Kompaniet Malmö.