21 april 2016

nr.4.2016 FILMKLUBB ARCANA: DEL 2 av: "Colour - The Spectrum of Science " Lörd 30 april 2016

Filmklubben ARCANA

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Colour - The Spectrum of Science 

- Del 2

Lördagen den 30 april 2016
kl 16.00 – 18 00

Längd: 1 tim 12 min 
(ett utdrag ur orginal filmen som är 3 timmar)

Dokumentär från 2015

Språk: Engelska + engelsk text

Efter filmen blir det också en kort diskussion 
om filmens innehåll, där alla kan dela med sig av sina insikter
och ställa frågor.

Inträde: 50:- kaffe/te och kaka ingår

Colour - The Spectrum of Science 

- Del 2

We live in a world ablaze with colour. From rainbows and rainforests to oceans and humanity, earth is the most colourful place we know of. But the colours we see are far more complex and fascinating than they appear.

Dr Helen Czerski examines the complexities of colour, including what it is, how it works, and how it has written the story of the planet.

Dr Helen Czerski looks at the colours beyond the rainbow and the invisible world of infra-red and ultra-violet. While these wave froms of light are invisble to us, many animals in the animal kingdom can tap into them giving them a massive evolutionary advantage over the competition. This episode also looks at how different wave lengths of light are being used in modern science through x-rays and new experimental techniques, in order gain unpresented access into the body.

The huge diversity of human skin tones tells the story of how humanity spread and ultimately conquered the planet. But the true masters of colour turn out to be some of the smallest and most elusive. Helen Czerski travels to the Great Smokey Mountains of Tennessee during the one week in the year when fireflies light up the night sky with their colourful mating display. And she reveals the marine animals that hide from the world by changing the colour of their skin.

Helen travels to one of the hottest places on Earth to explore the role salt and water played in shaping planet Earth.

The colours that we see are only a fraction of what's out there. Beyond the rainbow there are colours invisible to our eyes.Dr Helen Czerski tells the story of scientific discovery. To see the universe in a whole new light, Helen takes to the skies in a NASA jumbo jet equipped with a 17-tonne infrared telescope.

We can't see in ultra violet, but many animals can. Helen explores what the world looks like to the birds and the bees. With the discovery of x-rays we could look inside ourselves in ways that previously had only been possible after death. Today those same x-rays allow us to examine life at the atomic level, helping to develop new drugs and better materials.

The world gives us mixtures of colours that are overlaid on top of each other, and you can easily filter some out and leave the rest. When we use an infrared camera, we’re choosing to look at infrared light and nothing else. When a telescope looks for x-rays in space, it ignores everything else. Our eyes see one slice of what’s there, and we’re blind to the rest.

We take colour for granted. We have to, because otherwise we’d be entirely distracted by it.

But once in a while it’s rewarding to pause and look a bit closer, just to see what those colours are telling us.And then we can go back to taking it for granted, but our world is richer because now we know the stories hidden in the code. That’s what Colour: The Spectrum of Science is all about.

Colour is an essential part of our world. And, with a bit of filtering and a bit of background knowledge, science and culture and history and beauty are revealed. Watch Colour: The Spectrum of Science to see just some of the amazing stories the world has to tell.

Hjärtligt Välkomna Allihopa


Filmklubben ARCANA
Köpenhamnsvägen 13, Malmö
040 91 39 56 eller 070 376 47 47

ARCANA filmklubb är en del av LOTUSGRUPPENS
verksamhet som i sin tur är en del av Malmö -- United Lodge of Theosophists
allmänt förkortat ULT/Teosofiska Kompaniet Malmö.